Thursday 3 March 2011


Three women have now moved forward claiming they were subjected to anti-Semitic abuse by Galliano at a bar in the historically Jewish Marais district last October.

Looking steaming drunk in the video footage, he allegedly told Ms Bloch: "Dirty Jew, you should be dead." He is then said to have told Mr Virgitti, who is of Asian origin: "F*****g Asian bastard, I'm going to kill you."

 Dismissed yesterday as Christian Dior's head designer, he apparently could not keep up with the pace of the fashion world.

Shocked, disgusted and disapointed spring to mind.

These comments are not just the outlook of a random drunken rant...

Seems to me he got too big for his boots but who can afford to be associated with this sort of behaviour? Bet he's not feeling too invincible now.

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